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  • Where we
    transform you
    into winners

Our Philosophy

Dr. Joshis always believe in sharing their work with the world at large so that they can benefit from their experience. They have always made an effort to simplify complex concepts in order to make them applicable in everyday life & practice. Their teachings reflect this philosophy. With this objective they began publishing their work since 2008 & have so far published 9 books. These books have been well received by the Homoeopathic community & translated in different languages.

 Click the tabs given below to read more & place an order

The System of MAP and Birds in Homeopathy

The most elaborate book on Birds & Joshis' MAP system

All aspects of the MAP system explained: Evolution,  philosophy, levels, columns, comparing levels and their various combinations.

  • Cases that elaborate the system
  • Homeopathic Classification of nearly 9000 birds
  • Understanding of over 250 bird families
  • More than 500 bird species explained
  • All birds families with their unique numbers and key words
  • Birds with their unique columns nos. to differentiate better
  • Key words for easy differentiation
  • Quick reference charts
  • List of current bird remedies available around the world
  • 640 pages in color


Reading excerpts

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Paypal price USD $ 121


Ekayan - Plant Theory of Scholten & Joshis' Animal MAP

by Dr. Jan Scholten, Dr. Bhawisha Joshi & Dr. Shachindra Joshi
A book on the Ekayan seminar held in Mumbai from January 20-22, 2017

Quotes from the book 

Dr. Jan Scholten 
I have a rule, in an unknown case, we have to prescribe an unknown remedy; that's the law of Similars.
I adhere to it. So when the law says Similimum will cure, then my conclusion is that when the law is really correct and when you cannot cure, you haven't come to Similimum.
Dr. Joshis
“New ways of understanding the patients is the need of the hour. We are not the same we were 200 years ago, when homeopathy was found."

Highlights of the book

  • Overview of the plant table by Jan Scholten
  • Joshis’ Map of remedies (mineral, plant and animal remedies on one grid)
  • Dialogue between the genius Jan Scholten and the dynamic duo on plant theory
  • Simplified  explanation of Jan Scholten’s plant theory
  • Cases and plant remedies of Materia medica – common and rare 
  • Cases of mammal remedies – Lac lox, Lac rhesus, Panthera tigris, Lac caninum, Lac equinum, etc.                                        
  • Ekayan Seminar -  For the first time in the history of Homeopathy – A systematic Map of plant, mineral and animal remedies on one grid!
  • Plants remedies with the genius Jan Scholten & Animal remedies with the dynamic duo Shachindra and Bhawisha Joshi
  • All in a 288 page book with a colour chart at the end


        Reading excerpts


Price USD $ 62.00
All prices inclusive of shipping

Joshis'MAP of Invertebrates

by Dr. Bhawisha Joshi & Dr. Shachindra Joshi

For the first time an easy chart to help you prescribe the largest group of species in our animal kingdom – The Invertebrates.

 Highlights of the Chart

Simplified prescriptions using levels
  • A number for each important aspect of a persons personality – to select the right invertebrate remedy
  • Quick overview of Joshis' approach
  • Joshis' system of Levels and Columns
  • All invertebrates graded with numbers
  • How to use the chart
  • 6 fold easy to carry and use color chart

Out of Print

Price USD $ 28.00
All prices inclusive of shipping

Homoeopathy & Patterns in Mammals 2022 Edition

by Dr. Bhawisha Joshi & Dr. Shachindra Joshi

Yet another amazing book by the Dynamic duo of homoeopathy.

An inspiring work from their continuous uphill battle to find more remedies in the animal Kingdom. The deep connection that these four limbed animals have with the humans have been revealed in a picturesque mode.

 “We humans are primarily animals and it is only expected that we feel connection to them in many ways. These connection could be positive or negative. We may love them, fear them or dislike them. Some of us may simply admire them in the wild. Since the outer world is a mere reflection of our deep inner pattern, the animals we love, hate, like or fear may actually be a resonance with our innermost nature and our patterns.” -The Joshis

Highlights of the book

  • Concept and philosophy of  “The Pattern Approach”
  • Case taking process explained ‘The Joshi Way’
  • Unlock the mammal remedies in practice
  • Concise and precise drug pictures and their connection to the animal in nature
  • Comparative Materia medica of similar remedies
  • Quick tables and charts for ready referral
  • An entire book dedicated to known and unknown mammal species
  • Over 200 mammal drug pictures explained
  • 540 page color book
  • 2022 Edition with updated Mammal chart available for purchase
Watch us talk about it

   Reading excerpts

    Price USD $ 110.00 Price inclusive of shipping

Quick book of Minerals & Animals

by Dr. Bhawisha Joshi & Dr. Shachindra Joshi

We see that every plant, mineral or animal has an equivalent or counterpart in the other two kingdoms. Patients can be helped over a very long period and to a very deep level by using this connection and moving from one kingdom to another. This has been our discovery and work over the last six years. We have worked extensively on mineral rows and their connections to different animal subgroups and have tried to put it down in a very concise and systematic manner. The book is called Quick Book as it is a quick and easy table side reference book for all homeopaths.

 Highlights of the book

For the first time in Homeopathy Quick ready handbook
  • 18 Columns of Minerals
  • Rows of the periodic table
  • Comparison between the Minerals & Animals
  • New concepts and approach in understanding Animal cases
  • Mammal classification chart, their key features
  • Comparing Birds with the Periodic table
  • 80 page colour handbook
Watch us talk about it

Reading excerpts



Price USD $ 42.00 Price inclusive of shipping

Quick Book of Minerals & Animals

Now in Italian language

Released on October 26, 2014.

To purchase a copy in Italian language contact 

Dott. Federico Audisio di Somma  @


For our German friends  we have now published our best seller in German

Quick book Minerale und Tiere 2023

Dr. Bhawisha Joshi und Dr. Shachindra Joshi


Höhepunkte des Buches

Zum ersten Mal in der Homöopathie Schnell bereit Handbuch
  • 18 Spalten des Minerals
  • Reihen des Periodensystems
  • Vergleich zwischen den Mineralien & Tiere
  • Neue Konzepte und Vorgehensweise für das Verständnis Tier Fällen
  • Säugetier Klassifizierung chart, deren Hauptmerkmale
  • Vergleicht man Vögel mit dem Periodensystem
  • 84 Seite Farbe Handbuch

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Reading excerpts



Price USD $ 43.00 Price inclusive of shipping


Homoeopathy & Patterns in the Periodic table – Part 1 (Published 2008)

by Dr. Bhawisha Joshi

Dr. Bhawisha Joshi’s first book - ‘Homoeopathy & Patterns in the periodic table – Part 1’. This 400 page book has been very well received all over the world. This book has been translated into German, Russian & Japanese languages.

About the Book

Bhawisha Joshi is popular for her insight into Noble gases and her extensive work on mineral remedies. In this book, she has put together a complete comprehensive understanding of the periodic table and detailed the picture of elements of Rows 1- 3. Every element has been explored to the utmost detail .Most important of all – the information is put in a reader friendly manner .The cases are well-edited and several tables have been put forth for quick and easy reference .The left and the right side of the periodic table are effectively compared as are individual elements and an entire section is dedicated to Salt remedies.

Highlights of the book

For the first time in Homeopathy Quick ready handbook
  • Polarity of various kingdoms
  • Cases of each element of the first three rows
  • Chapter on Noble gases, Halogens & Imponderables
  • Complete section on Salts
  • Table indicating the Successful & Unsuccessful side of single elements
  • Various tables for quick referrals of Rows, Salts & Noble gases
  • 410 page book
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Price USD $ 78.00 Price inclusive of shipping

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For the German Version –
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Nosodes & Imponderables come Alive !(Published 2011)

by Dr. Bhawisha Joshi & Dr. Shachindra Joshi
About the Book

In this book the main sensation behind the Nosodes and Imponderables are explained by Dr. Bhawisha and Dr. Shachindra Joshi. The reader can follow the journey of the Joshis’ and see how they came to the understanding of these remedies. Different Nosodes and Imponderables have been demonstrated and well explained though cases each of which have at least 2 years of follow up. The book also helps to understand the basic difference between the different miasms as well as their Nosodes.
A whole new concept on miasmatic relationships and the comparison between different miasms another salient feature of this book.
The Joshis’ rich and intriguing experiences with Imponderables have been explored in-depth. Furthermore we can read differentiation with similar remedy groups in both Nosodes and Imponderable categories.

Highlights of the book

For the first time in Homeopathy Quick ready handbook
  • The Basic Understanding of Miasms
  • Joshis' Take on Miasmatic Relationships
  • Understanding the Nosode Kingdom
  • Comparative Analysis of Nosodes with Sarcodes
  • Fungi and Bacteria
  • Understanding Imponderables & their themes
  • Different Imponderables and their cases
  • Tables for quick references
  • 320 page book
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Reading excerpts


Price USD $ 75.00 Price inclusive of shipping
Fresh copies available
For the German Version –
Read this book on Radar Opus software

Screenshot 179


Explore your inner  HUMAN - ANIMAL CONNECTION  The Joshis' Approach (Published 2015)

 by Dr. Bhawisha Joshi
About the Book & its contents
A book that will transform the way you look at yourself and your sickness
A book that will empower you !

Pick this book up and find out

  • How your mind works
  • Why you fall sick
  • You are not dependent on the doctor to help you everytime !
  • You can change your sickness and your situation
  • You can find health, happiness and freedom


  • Find what animal does your inner personality match with !!!!
  • Find heart-touching case stories of people just like you and how they found their inner being – their strength and how they were healed !!!

A brief dynamic book on the concepts and practice of the Joshi couple !!

 If you are a Homoeopath: This is a book 
  • That will help your patients understand themselves
  • That explains the basic principles of homoeopathy
  • That will help your patients understand & admire your practice and your work.
If you are a beginner:
  • If you are new and want to know the joshi concepts, this book will open you up and introduce you to a completely new realm of thought, concepts and skills that you can acquire to enhance your practice.


 Reading Excerpts



Paypal Price USD $ 15 Price inclusive of shipping

Now buy this book on your Kindle now  kindle


Yoga for Health & Happiness

Written by Mr. Narendra Doshi and inspired by Dr. Bhawisha Joshi

A masterpiece originated from 20 years of experience and research of Yoga by Shri. Narendra Doshi.


About The Author

Mr. Narendra Doshi, the author of this book, is the father of Dr. Bhawisha Joshi. An engineer and a businessman by profession, he has taken up Yoga and Jain form of meditation for the last 2 decades. He has obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Jainology and Comparative Religions and Master’s degree in Prekshadhyan (Meditation) and Yoga. At the age of 72, he and his wife Mrs. Divya Doshi begin their day with 2 hours of yoga. 

Every asana in the book has a photograph of Mr. Narendra Doshi or his wife performing the asana!

About the Book

This book has detailed description of several meditative and yogic asanas along with their benefits, use in specific medical conditions and much more. Detailed illustration of simple yet effective asanas for beginners as well as habitual yoga practitioner so that they can learn and practice and benefit from it.

Highlights of the book

  • Description of 42 simple and effective yoga poses, 10 breathing exercises and 8 kriyas.
  • Benefits of each asana and pranayama explained with suggestion of point of concentration.
  • Specially designed breathing techniques and meditation techniques explained.
  • Yogic solution for 28 ailments.
  • Description of 7 chakras with their specific correlation with the endocrine glands and nervous system.
  • Brief description of Ashtanga Yoga.
  • Do’s, Don’ts and Myths of Yoga.
  • 40 Health tips.

Dr. Bhawisha & Dr. Shachindra Joshi are strong believers of “ Harmony within oneself”. 

Through their clinical practice and teachings, they advocate this harmony. Their lectures are popular all over the world in the field of Homoeopathy and wellness. 

They have self- published 5 books in Homoeopathy which have been well received by homoeopaths all over the world.

Their work has been translated into German, Italian, Russian & Japanese languages.

This book on yoga is yet another tool to help our body and mind.

Watch us talk about it

Reading excerpts



Paypal price US$ 17.5



Homoeopathy -towards a healthy living We talk of health all the time. Health clubs, health foods, health spas are a fad nowadays. Health is something we all want. But do we even know what health means. The Webster dictionary gives the meaning of health as freedom from defect ,pain or disease. So it defines health as what it is not rather than what it is. But this is very similar to stating that we are happy because we have no debts to pay. Just as the mere absence of debt does not imply that we are wealthy similarly absence of disease does not imply that we are healthy. The Dorland's medical dictionary gives the definition of health as a state of physical, mental and social well-being. True health must be thought of in positive, dynamic terms not simply as'No Disease'.Homoeopathy defines health asfreedom on the physical level where the entire body operates in an integrated, harmonious way for optimum efficiency allowing us to respond appropriately to the environment.

Asfreedom on the emotional levelto experience a wide array of emotions in a positive and enriching way so that we have joyful and satisfying relationships.

Thus health means "To be in Harmony with yourself and with the environment." Using this broad definition try answering these questions.

Are you healthy?

Do you experience the kind of freedom inherent in true health?

And it is this very definition which provides a perspective on the enormous and magnificent potential inherent in each and every one of us.

Now it is time to redefine disease through homoeopathy. According to this system symptoms are mere indications that the internal harmony of the body mechanisms is altered. The disharmony allows the disease (dis-ease) to set in. Of the symptoms that develop a few are common to the disease and are helpful in the diagnosis of the disease. The rest are symptoms peculiar to the patient.

Often we have mothers complaining that while one child is dull drowsy & thirst less during high fever the other one at the same time is hyperactive and asks frequently for sips of water. With the same infection two children within the same house develop completely opposite symptoms which require 2 completely different remedies.

Let’s take an example of rheumatoid arthritis. Three women walk into our centre with this problem. Though all of them have the pain and swelling and immobility of the joints one woman says it happens only in summer. One says that it is worse at about dawn and it disturbs her sleep making her wake up with excruciating pain. The third woman says that she ends up with these pains every time she fights with her uncaring husband which is the case every second day and applying icepacks relieves her all the time. These appear vague statements and have nothing to do with the problem of arthritis. Nonetheless they are very much a part of each of these women and have everything to do with their individual personalities. In fact ,it is these very details which differentiate the arthritis of each of these women. Naturally ,the three women need very different remedies and that is exactly what we as homoeopaths do! It is not surprising when the three women come back for a follow-up the first one reports that her long-standing constipation is helped along with the ailing limbs. The second one says that she can work much better now, her moods are fine while the third one's husband walks in saying she is much more easy to deal with .She is a changed person!

The science analyses every individual having an illness rather than the illness of an individual. For a science so patient-specific each case tests the physician's skill to perceive the unique features of the case to set it apart from a hundred other cases suffering from exactly the same diagnosis.

When patient comes to us we aim at a general level of well-being which supersedes the relief of the complaints which is inevitable. We work towards a better and Healthy living !

When the remedies are selected with such minute detail so as to match every individual demand the question of side -effects does not arise. The pills are very potent so as to bring about relief in minutest doses and they can be harmful if misused. But the basic fundamental of the science is so individualizing and so patient- specific .The technique of selecting the appropriate medicine involves a painstaking and intricate procedure where every detail of the entire personality of the patient mental and physical is taken into account. The first consultation lasts for about two hours. The choice of remedy is such that it matches completely mentally and physically to the character of each patient. When such hard work goes into the selection of the remedy how can there be any side effects at all!


he homoeopathic remedy works bystimulating the body's own healing power. The stimulus will help assist your own system to clear itself of any expressions of imbalance. The aim is to bring your own body to a level of health so as to cure in acute cases. In chronic cases you will need infrequent treatment and eventually no treatment at all.


The journey to the person within The case taking or the case investigating technique applied by Dr. Joshis’ is very unique. They on an average spend about 2 hours with each patient for the first visit. In this period they evaluate the complaint the person is suffering & through that they understand the personality. In this process they explore into many intricate, unknown on a day to day basis, aspects of the person that have not been explored before. It’s a journey that the person undertakes within himself. This journey into your subconscious can be very interesting & intruding. The process of healing begins right from this point onwards. The Homeopathic remedy selected after this journey helps you a deep healing.


To find the right remedy for you as an individual we need to know all about you. An understanding of you as a person, your habits, patterns of behaviour, likes and dislikes, your reactive pattern along with a detailed description of your complaint and the symptoms you experience all together will direct us in helping you. Anything that is typical of you will help us in this process. Finding out about your general energy level, your past medical history and the way you live is also important. Anything you say will be treated in the strictest confidence. The initial consultation will last for an hour or two.


The medicines will be given to you in the form of pills and powders. At times a liquid can also be given in cases needful of frequent doses. The medicines are made out of milk sugar and cane sugar. They are medicated with the remedy prepared in alcohol base. The medicines used are all made from natural products of the best quality by a German based company. They are sweet to taste and do not require any water to be taken along with them. In fact, they are absorbed directly from the mucosal lining of the oral cavity (mouth) hence they should be sucked once put into the mouth and not be swallowed with water etc.We suggest that you avoid strong smelling perfumes, camphor, menthol, eucalyptus, iodex, other balms they antidote the effect of the medicine which is administered in very minute quantities. Black coffee and peppermints should also be avoided as these interfere with the action of the remedy. If you are given homoeopathic remedies to take at a later date be sure to store them in a cool dark place, away from anything with a strong smell.


After taking your medicine you may notice some changes. Along with a relief in the ailments patients experience a period of exceptional well-being and optimism. Sometimes your symptoms may appear to get worse for a short time followed by relief in complaints. This aggravation of complaints is a good sign. Sometimes a discharge or cold or a rash may appear after taking the medicine .All these are various reactions which you may or may not experience. These are due to individual sensitivity and are due to individual reaction to the medicine and not due to the medicine per se. All these symptoms are part of the healing process and will pass soon. Let us know if you develop these symptoms and we will help you out if they are of concern. You are also required to make a note of any changes you observe during your treatment.



Women go through many changes in their life at all fronts. There are a lot of hormonal changes right from the time of puberty to pregnancy & finally during menopause. With time women have evolved and excelled in various roles that were earlier a privilege of men. This means dealing with internal and external stress.

With Homeopathy we have been able to help women physically in their complaints and emotionally to cope with the stresses that they undergo.

Child bearing forms an important aspect in a woman’s life. Children & mother always share a special bond.

We strongly advise pregnant women & women who are planning to conceive to take homoeopathic medications. Homeopathy has the capacity to significantly help women during pregnancy which in turn helps the child who is still in the womb.

We believe that a healthy state of mind & body of the mother and father helps in healthy conception, healthy infant and a healthy child.

Homeopathy plays a vital role in the preconception & pregnant state. When on the right homoeopathic medication the body is in a perfect state of harmony. Homeopathy helps in keeping the immune system healthy to tackle any infection throughout pregnancy.

Hormonal changes affect mood & temperament. This is especially experienced by women during premenstrual syndrome, pregnancy, post-partum and menopause. Women suffering from menstrual complaints like PCOS too have lot of hormonal variations. We have given remarkable results in many such cases with Homeopathy.




Some of the conditions that we have treated successfully at the clinic

  1. Benign cysts in the breast
  2. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome ( PCOS/ PCOD)
  3. Irregular menses
  4. Postpartum depression
  5. Menopausal syndrome
  6. Depression
101st international women's day - Dr Bhawisha Joshi, Dr Sunanda Joshi
Dr.Joshis' Patients verdict on Homeopathy


Panic disorder is a serious condition that strikes without reason or warning. Symptoms of panic disorder include sudden attacks of fear and nervousness, as well as physical symptoms such as sweating and a racing heart. During a panic attack, the fear response is out of proportion for the situation, which often is not threatening. Homeopathy tries to understand the cause behind the panic, the reasons for the panic to reach such a stage and address them. This ensures that the situation is dealt with at its roots. Auto – immune complaints:
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a genetic/ auto immune condition. It affects the brain and spinal cord. Early MS symptoms include weakness, tingling, numbness, and blurred vision. Other signs are muscle stiffness, thinking problems, and urinary problems. Homoeopathic medications can help in prolonging the progress of the disease and help patients cope up better with the disorder.
Lupus, an autoimmune disease, happens when the immune system attacks its tissues, causing inflammation, swelling, pain, and damage. SLE is much more common in women than men. Almost everyone with SLE has joint pain and swelling. Some develop arthritis. Homeopathy has good results in patients with this condition. Where the relief form the acute exacerbations is reduced & the progress of the disease is slowed significantly.
An auto-immune affection and inflammation of the joints this disease affects all the joints of the body. The affected joints show destruction & deformation. The blood test may or may not reveal a positive RA factor. Symptoms: Swelling & pain in the small joints of the finger & toes to begin with. As the disease progresses other joints get affected along with other systemic symptoms (weight loss, fever, weakness, etc.)
These are most common form of headaches characterized by constant pain, tightness, dullness, or pressure in the head. The pain can remain for weeks without interruptions. Stress & tensions are common causes precipitating this complaint. At times there are underlying psychological illnesses leading to this state. Homeopathy works far better than analgesics in managing this complaint by treating the underlying cause & hence nullifying the effect.
Most patients suffering from migraine complain of periodic headache, which is typically one sided (unilateral) accompanied by vomiting. Headaches are generally preceded by an aura of visual disturbances. Periodicity is the most characteristic feature of this illness. The condition starts after puberty & continues till late middle life. The headache is usually localized to the frontal region & can spread to one side of the head. The pain occurs at intervals, which varies from patient to patient. The pain is very severe throbbing with vomiting, photophobia, & a lot of weakness.   Common causes

• Stress & anxiety play a major role in initiating & precipitating migraine. • Dietary factors like chocolates, cheese, and alcohol may precipitate the attack. • In women it is precipitated before menses or women taking oral contraceptives. • More than 50 % of the cases have a genetic predisposition.   Skin complaints:

Skin complaints have troubled man since a long time & man has tried various techniques to get rid of them. Homeopathy has come more in focus because of its ability to cure them effectively without any side effects. Common beliefs about skin complaints are that they are very local complaints and getting rid of them solves the problem for good. However, unfortunately that's not true for many skin complaints. They generally have a deep underlying cause precipitating the skin eruption and therefore applying ointments locally hardly helps a permanent cure.

It can be allergic (soaps, detergents, etc.) or endogenous like atopic, seborrhoeic and Neurodermatitis They are characterized by redness & ill-defined swelling, blister like eruptions, cracking, discharges, scaling, itching. People having it for a long time can have thickening of the skin, fissures, and pigmentations.
This is characterized by thickening of the skin, well-demarcated elevated margins and scales. This complaint is characterized by excessive epidermal proliferation (fast multiplication & death of the upper layer of skin causing the scaling) The cause remains unknown. However, the factors that play a role are Genetic, Bio-chemical, Immunopathological (immune system related) & local. The factors that trigger the pathology are trauma, infections, sunlight, drugs like anti malarial and steroids. Stress & anxiety can trigger an acute exacerbation.
These are pimples, as we all know. This is generally caused because of inflammation of blocked pilo sebaceous follicles (blocked oil glands of the skin). Cause - hormonal, leading to over secretion & infection. The skin is greasy & the face has blackheads & often we find skin scaring.
This is characterized by a lot of elevated patched (red or white), or nodules with lot of itching & burning. It is generally caused as a reaction to some allergen either via contact or ingestion. It's a complaint where the immune system of the body hyper reacts to the stimulus.
These are skin eruptions commonly known as viral warts. They do recur even after cauterization. Another type seen mostly in children is called the water warts or molluscum contagiosum, which spreads, by direct contact. Gastro - intestinal System: Our GI tract is exposed to many invasions every day through food and water in terms of algae, bacteria, etc. The food passes through the body parts like oesophagus, stomach, and intestines small & large. Many of the complaints pertaining to this system are dealt successfully with Homeopathy like
Gastritis, Peptic Ulcers & Duodenal Ulcers-we call this problem an A- type personality complaint. Increase in the secretion of the acid in the stomach & damage to the mucus wall that prevents this acid from affecting the stomach causes this problem. Faulty diet, inappropriate use of medications & stress are important causes of this problem. The commonest symptom is pain in the abdomen and hunger pains. These pains are ameliorated ,temporarily, by eating.
This is the most commonly found problem of the G.I. system where stress, anxiety, & tension play a very important role. It is seen in individuals who are anxious personalities. It is seen more commonly in women. The symptoms are pain in the lower left abdomen better by passing stools and erratic bowel habits like alternating symptoms diarrheoa & constipation and an uncontrollable strong urge to pass stools.
Ulcerative colitis is a chronic disease of the large intestine, also known as the colon, in which the lining of the colon becomes inflamed and develops tiny ulcers, that produce pus and mucous. The combination of inflammation and ulceration can cause pain in abdomen and frequent stools. On many occasions blood is passed in stools. Ulcerative colitis is the result of an abnormal response by your body's immune system.
Affecting mostly children these are very recurrent nagging problems associated with symptoms of itching in the anus, pain in the abdomen, nocturnal cough, irritability, loss of appetite and loss of weight. Homeopathy offers excellent results in this sphere.
Irregular diet, constipation, & modern day life style are primarily responsible for this complaint. There is difficulty in passing stools, bleeding which can be dark in colour and swelling in the anal region. (engorged piles). Proper diet, & medication can restore normalcy completely.
Painful defecation, burning while passing stools & fresh bleeding per rectum are all symptoms of fissure in the ano. The cause can be trauma, hard stools, and constipation and anal/ peri anal abscess to name a few. Urinary System:
Kidney stones responsible for agonizing colic are made of calcium oxalate, phosphate, uric acid crystals, or cystine stones. The causes vary from diet, habitat, & internal pathologies. Treatment of the renal stone with Homeopathy depends on the type, site & the size of the stone.
Sudden onset, difficulty in passing urine, painful urination, burning are some of the common symptoms. Desire to pass urine even after emptying the bladder, pain in abdomen & at times haematuria (bleeding) are also seen. Precautions against urinary infection 1. Increased fluid intake 2. Regular emptying of bladder 3. Complete emptying of bladder Respiratory System: Problems related to this part of the body are encountered the most. We all must have suffered from complaints relating to the respiratory systems many a times. The complaints can be divided broadly in 2 parts • Allergic • Infective (Bacterial & Viral) Children as well as adults are prone to these complaints. In children there has been an increase in the incidence of childhood asthma & respiratory tract infections. We have treated babies as small as 6 months old suffering from acute chest infections & congestions that required nebulization frequently. All these children have been helped in their acute attacks as well as they have been off any form of medication within 4-6 months period of starting homoeopathic treatment. Upper respiratory tract:
These are hypersensitive disorders with sudden sneezing, running nose (coryza), nasal congestion, smarting, & watering of eyes due to over reaction to any antigen (pollen, dust mite, flowers, etc)
Infections of sinuses are characterized by running or blocked nose. Pains in the forehead orbit of the eye, cheekbones, and occiput depending on the sinus affected.
Homeopathy & tonsillitis have a very long relation & it has always helped to get rid of this infection. Recurrent throat infections lead to the inflammation & swelling of the tonsils, which is accompanied by swelling of the adenoids too. Fever, difficulty in swallowing & pain in the throat are the common symptoms of this complaint.
Inflammation of the throat with symptoms like hoarseness of voice, throat pain especially while swallowing & cough. Along with regular medication warm water gargling (three times a day) is essential. Lower respiratory tract:
The most common symptom is a dry non-productive, irritating cough with discomfort in the chest followed by difficulty in breathing & wheezing.
It can be allergic or intrinsic. In most of the cases this problem begins in the childhood & it is allergic. The symptoms are breathlessness, wheezing in the chest and shortness of breath. It can happen suddenly or can be persistent. Emotional stress plays a major role as a trigger factor for an attack. All complaints of the respiratory tract infection can be associated with very high fever, malaise and drowsiness. The homoeopathic medication prescribed takes care of the infection as well as the fever and other associated complaints.
It's a common myth that Homoeopathic medicines act slowly & can't help much in acute complaints. Homeopathy acts effectively in many acute complaints giving quick relief. Some common acute complaints • Viral Fever • Influenza (Flu) • Diarrheoa (Acute Gastro-enteritis) • Dysentery
Fever is one infection, which rings an alarm bell in people of all age groups. Especially so in parents whose child has a fever. For us as doctors it is not important to just treat the fever. Fever is only the body's reaction and not the main infection per se. Our aim is to investigate & find out where is the origin of the fever. Fever is always an out come of some internal infection & unless that is dealt with the fever does not subside. Joints & connective tissue disorders: Cases of joint complaints have done well on homoeopathic treatment. The prognosis depends on • Type of the pathology • Duration of the complaint • Underlying cause • Age of the patient
One in every four persons suffers from some sort of back complaints or Lumbago as it is known commonly. This is because of several causes like Posture, work stress, injury, infection, mental stress, back aches resulting from other internal pathologies (referred pains). People with back problems go to lengths to reduce their pain resorting to various forms of treatments. • We have many cases of backache where the patients have got rid of their ache completely. Complaints like prolapsed-intervertebral disc and restricted lifestyles due to these kinds of problems have been totally symptom free and leading normal lives.
A problem of the neck region. The most common complaints are that of pain in the nape of the neck, tingling & numbness of the fingers & pain in the shoulders & back. Vertigo & stiffness of the neck are other common symptoms. The main causative factor is reduction in the disc space in-between the vertebrae (bones of the spinal cord in the neck) leading to compression of the nerves. Wrong postures & occupational stress (physical & mental) of modern day life play an important role. Along with medication the patient is required to do regular neck exercises & physiotherapy. Regular exercise & correct postures helps in avoiding this problem.
Pain in the weight bearing joints especially the knees, hips & spine are mostly caused by O A. There is degeneration in the lining of the joints caused by age, osteophytes and wearing of the joint capsule. There are many underlying factors, which need to be looked into when the problem is diagnosed.
A disorder of the body where the required amount of uric acid is not excreted but accumulated giving rise to inflammation and pains in various joints of the body. The toe and ankle are usually affected. They are very painful & do not respond to normal painkillers. Along with the medication it is very important to have a proper dietary assessment & shift on a low protein diet. Systemic disorders
It is one of the fastest growing problems in today's world. It is caused by underproduction of a hormone called Insulin secreted by Pancreas. This hormone plays a vital role in the metabolism of the body. Our modern day life style, food habits, & obesity are known as major precursors of Type 2 diabetes. A diabetic has to maintain a balance between his diet, exercise, & activity. Stress (physical & Mental) plays an important role in increasing of blood sugar levels. Regular check up with your doctor & regular monitoring of Glycosalated Hemoglobin A1c helps us monitor diabetic control. The better the control the less are the chances of complications of diabetes like Nephropathy (Kidney affection), Neuropathy (Nerve affection), Retinopathy (Eye complications) & Cardio vascular complications. Stress plays a role in altering the body's metabolism & aggravating the problem. Homeopathy helps here in reducing the stress hormones, maintaining good health, & regulating blood glucose. Along with medications it is vital to adhere to proper diet & regular exercise regime given to you by the doctor. The other type of diabetes Type 1 (Insulin dependant diabetes mellitus) has to be managed exclusively with Insulin injections along with diet & exercise. Read more about it –Diabetes & me ( LINK )
Along with diabetes another health condition that's been making headlines is hypertension or high blood pressure. We have treated patients as young as 18 yrs. of age getting being diagnosed as hypertensive. This problem is a silent killer & the symptoms are not always noticeable. 70 % of the cases suffer from essential hypertension. (i.e. Exact cause remains elusive) Some of the causes that lead to this complaint include kidney diseases, Endocrinal disorder, Alcohol, drugs, pregnancy, & Stress. Symptoms- most patients remain asymptomatic but a few may have throbbing, pulsating headaches & head heaviness. Not treating this condition promptly can lead to cerebral hemorrhage (Stroke), retinal & renal damage. Along with medications it is important to bring about a change in life style. This includes reducing stress (physical as well as mental), regular exercise, weight loss, healthy food habits, & a salt restricted diet. All these help in managing the problem & for those who don't suffer from it, this regimen will help in keeping the problem at bay.
Our diet constitutes of carbohydrate, protein, & fat. Energy is stored in the body in form of glycogen & adipose tissue (fat). Excess of blood fats (FFA free fatty acids) can cause deposition in the blood vessels leading to cardiac & cerebral complications. It is important to keep the levels of triglycerides, LDL & VLDL cholesterol as low as possible. This can be done by drastically improving the food habits. Our routine food could be very rich in fat, which increases cholesterol & body weight. Normal blood cholesterol must be kept below the level of 200 mg% & Triglycerides below 150 mg %. At the clinic appropriate diet instructions are advised along with the medication.
There have been so many cases reported of young adults about 30-35 yrs & above who have undergone by-pass surgeries or angioplasty to treat a blocked coronary artery. This disease generally affecting people in the 4th decade & above is now taking a toll on young adults. Our life style plays an important role in inviting this problem with our modern day living, diet rich in fats (especially saturated fats), refined & processed foods, lack of proper exercise & stress along with other systemic diseases like Diabetes & Hypertension. All these coupled together lead to IHD. This pathology is characterized by reduced blood supply to the heart muscle, which can be due to atherosclerotic plaque in blood vessels, arteriospasm, & cardiac overload. The patient may not have any symptoms to begin with, hence the problem often goes unnoticed. Preventive cardiac care is gaining lot of momentum worldwide. Bringing about a change in life styles along with an alteration in diet help in minimizing the risks. Yoga, too, plays an important role in keeping the body fit.
Homeopathy plays a major role in preventive cardiac care where in it reduces the amount of stress on the individual body.



Homeopathy has a befitting reply for disorders like irregular menses, menorrhagia(heavy and prolonged bleeding), metrorrhagia(bleeding in between the periods)menopausal changes leading to mental and physical imbalance, arthritis after menopause, leucorrhoea, mood swings, PMS etc.

Q. Why is there a significant increase in these problems, today?

Women are much more stressed than men. Housewives have to deal with raising their children in the best possible way in this highly competitive world. Daily decisions of the needs of the house are equally demanding. Despite all this work there is hardly any appreciation, as these tasks are not given much importance by the society. She is like the CEO of a company who makes his own decisions, has to run his own errands, gets no pay for this high profile job and not much recognition for it either. To top it all is the ever-increasing stress of ageing and wanting to look her best. Working women deal with all these roles at home and then swing to a totally different male oriented role in office. So the reality is that the woman goes through so many different character roles and different plans and responsibilities according to these roles. Her mind is adjusting to these CHARACTER -SWINGS and her body has to adjust to several cyclical changes every month. The result of all this is evident on the female reproductive system. One of the most important one among them is dysmennorhea & irregular menses due polycystic ovarian disease of which we have several documented results.




The issue troublesome for most women today is Weight Gain and Obesity. Stress is the major cause of Obesity. Therefore this problem requires treatment along with proper instructions on diet and exercise. Obesity is tackled with this three-fold program at the clinic.

• Homoeopathic constitutional remedy
• Diet
• Exercise

We also give dietary advice regarding calorie value of foods, their nutritional benefits and nutritional advice to beat stress.


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A world class center dedicated for complete holistic care by Internationally renowned doctors, Bhawisha and Shachindra Joshi.

The Dynamic Duo of the Homeopathic world.

Located in Vile Parle, Mumbai, they provide Homeopathic care to patients from all sectors, all age groups, from young infants, children to adults. They see clients from India and from different parts of the world.

Over the last 23 years they have helped thousands of people. Children treated by them have grown up into successful adults. They rever the doctors for their help and guidance at various stages in life.

Homeopathy with its holistic approach targets the HPA (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal) axis directly and is  the right answer for the Modern day illnesses.

They specialise in treating cases of allergies, auto-immune complaints like multiple sclerosis, scleroderma, severe urticria, orthopaedic complaints like rheumatoid arthritis, hormonal complaints like PCOS, diabetes, auto-immune thyroditis, high blood pressure, cancer care, kidney failure, liver disorders, depression, anxiety neurosis.

Covid like viral influenza and the role of Homeopathy

 Homeopathy, since its inception has played a significant role in helping epidemics all across the world. Watch Dr. Joshis' have a significant experience the current influennza like symptoms. To know more click here.

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Kieran Linnane LCH, RSHom , Cornwall England
It was a great privilege to be able to sit in and observe two master homeopaths at work each day in their Mumbai clinic. There was a variety of cases to observe and Bhawisha and Shachindra were very available and generous in allowing plenty of time for discussion of cases, materia medica and philosophy. The whole experience was very complete for me.
Jane Harter London 2008
The Joshis are wonderfully clear teachers and the course gives an explicit and accessible demonstration of the Bombay Method in action, which inspires confidence.